For you who don’t know me, I see myself as a software developer and a sportsman. I’m not entirely sure which of both I feel more passionate about.
During the last few years, I’ve been trying to create a personal blog but I could never find the inspiration to get on with it. But now I’m about to start a new stage in my life which will hopefully be full of challenges and changes. Thus, I’m feeling that this could be the right time to give it a try.
I would like to start with a set of rules for my blog:
- Content doesn’t matter. Posts can be about software developing, working out, or whatever is in my mind when I’m writing the article.
- Articles should be written in a maximum of 2 pomodoros
- These rules can change in time, their purpose is to keep me focused.
Things that I would like to achieve through this blog:
- Improving my communication skills.
- Reinforcing my weekly technical learning.
- Keeping track of my workouts and fitness progress.
- Building a personal brand.
- Getting out of my comfort zone and opening my mind.
- Organising my ideas.
Welcome to my blog!