Heroku Rake tasks
In the project I’m currently working on, we use Heroku as infrasture provider. Heroku has its own command line operations to execute tasks like db backups, managing addons, etc.
Last March, Heroku deprecated its PG Backups addon, so the CLI syntax changed. The project I’m working on is a Rails project, so by default we already use Rake to run tasks like database migrations. Thus, instead of learning the new Heroku syntax, I’ve decide to write a couple of Rake tasks to wrap the new Heroku commands.
namespace :heroku do
DEFAULT_APP = 'my_app'
desc 'Create database backup'
task :backup, :app do |_task, args|
args.with_defaults(app: DEFAULT_APP)
Bundler.with_clean_env do
`heroku pg:backups capture --app #{args[:app]}`
puts $?.exitstatus == 0 ? 'Backup created.' : 'Backup failed.'
desc 'Download latest database backup'
task :download_backup, :app do |_task, args|
args.with_defaults(app: DEFAULT_APP)
Bundler.with_clean_env do
url = `heroku pg:backups public-url --app #{args[:app]}`
`curl -o latest.dump "#{url}"`
puts $?.exitstatus == 0 ? 'Database downloaded.' : 'Download failed.'
Next time Heroku updates its command line syntax, I’ll only need to update the commands in my Rake tasks and I won’t have to learn the nex syntax.